Making or creating your own success will always be one of the most rewarding aspects of owning your own business. How you arrive at destination successville is completely up to you! Every personal trainer will have had experiences, good and bad which will have helped shape their journey. If you have time feel free to check out our latest interview series which takes an indepth look at the businesses which have continued to succeed whilst working alongside PT Workspace. For those of you just starting off or in need of some helpful options to explore within your business, then we have some top tips to get you going.
What’s your Niche?
In an industry where sometimes it’s better to be something to someone, instead of everything to everyone, having a niche can help you stand out from the crowd. Whether you choose to explore additional CPD courses such as post natal, or market to a specific gender, religion, age or group of individuals (for example: athletes) then understanding your target market in key. If finding your target market is challenging, then building a customer profile can help develop a visual representation in your mind of who you might be aiming for, you can be as detailed as you like.
In this digital age it’s important to have a presence online, clients will want to look you up and it’s a great way in which to attract online traffic to your business. Whilst having a website might be obvious as necessary for your business, building one might be slightly terrifying for those of you who may not be as tech savvy as others. Thankfully websites such as Squarespace and WordPress for a small fee have lots of templates you can personalise for a fraction of the cost, if a website builder is not within your budget.

Social Media
Now there are people who will tell you to post every day, and there are those who will say, only post when the quality of your content is at a level in which to do so (quality over quantity). However you choose to post on social make sure your profiles are professional. Whilst its great to show a little lifestyle & personality within your feed, your clients won’t want to see you buzzing on a Saturday night.

Utilise Your Location
It is known that the return rate on flyering is never usually very high, however you do not often need a high conversion rate in which to make it worth it. A personal trainer recently came to PT Workspace and alongside the support of studio manager, handed out his business card/ flyer to the local businesses surrounding the gym. Just having one client sign up, has now made his investment worth while. If designing flyers is not your thing then try sites such as Canva, which have fantastic templates to personalise for free.
It’s always worth asking if the facility in which you are working at is happy to support marketing your services. For example many gym facilities will offer an online personal trainer profile, which is another way that clients can find you.
Thanks for Reading PT Workspace Team
P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training gym rental or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us Personal Training Islington and Personal Training Milton Keynes & Personal Training Harrow