Whilst Adulting in the gym may seem like common sense…And it is, we all know that one person who needs to check themselves occasionally because they are most likely completely oblivious. Oblivious being the keyword in that sentence, which is why gym etiquette is so important. Here is how you can help:
- Use a towel and wipe down equipment! Cleanliness is a must because no one wants to follow on from a sweaty Betty or Bob when the bench or machine has sweat patches. Don’t be that person! Wipe down the surface your skin touches.

- Put Equipment back… Sound obvious? That’s because it is… For anyone else looking for that weight or If you are lifting and using a bar, please put the weights back in some resemblance of order. This is just common courtesy.
- Blasting music from your headphones or music device is never a good look, especially not in the gym because it will always upset someone in a busy space, you can almost guarantee it!
- Blocking the someones view in the mirror… Not cool.
- Blocking the dumbbell rack, so others cannot reach the weights because you are in the midst of doing your curls. MOOOVE BRO! Step away from the rack and find some space.

- Saving Equipment! It must be up there with one of the most annoying attributes to any gym facility. If you are not using the equipment, then put it back. Putting your sweaty towel over it, whilst you take a 20minute toilet break is not ok. Hoarding equipment is also not ok, even if you are doing your own personal HIIT session. Note that everyone around you in that moment thinks you are a numpty. FACT!
- Give people space if they are lifting, at the very least a meter. For safety and for personal space. Also, no one wants a conversation or to be spoken to whilst lifting… Just Saying.
- Offering unsolicited advice. Now unless that person is in immediate danger then don’t do it. Even if someone might need it, no one appreciates the “know-it-all”, and you never know someone’s goals, previous or current injuries, or experience.
- Don’t Stare it’s creepy. Whilst the gym can be a distracting environment with lots going on, you are not invisible, and you will be noticed.
- Dropping Weights after finishing your set… Don’t Do it, it’s not cool and damages the equipment.

- It’s understandable that having a mobile on the gym floor is useful – whether using it as a timer, tracking your workouts, or filming your workout/technique. Just refrain from loud, distracting conversations on the gym floor (take it elsewhere!). If you can talk on the phone loudly throughout the entirety of your workout, you’re doing it wrong. Also, don’t occupy a piece of equipment if you’re going to sit there scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. You’re there to train, so train!
So there we have it! Adulting 101 in the gym, whilst we can all be guilty of having committed one or more of these offenses in the past, the majority is just common sense & courtesy.
If your standard gym environment is as annoying as this post then maybe you should consider a different environment to train.
Thanks for Reading PT Workspace Team
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