
Alternative Ways to Support Your Clients During Lockdown

It’s a difficult time for the fitness industry with all gyms ordered to close as of the 23rd of March. So making the best out of the current situation has been challenging but not impossible for fitness professionals. Many have chosen to reach clients through online personal training and classes, which have proven popular for some more than others. Whilst online personal training and Instagram lives have become the new normal, there are other ways in which to engage and support your clients, call it another string to your bow. Until the day that the gym doors open, we have a few tips to help…

  • Nutrition advice: As a personal trainer you will know how important a diet is in the overall grand scheme of exercise and calories. Nutrition is, of course, a touchy subject in regards to the limitation of advice you can offer. Often said in a passing comment, that it’s important to stay in your lane. This does not mean that you can’t offer helpful advice about tracking calorie intake and macros. Help your client understand how to maintain some progress through what they are eating, especially if they are worried that they are reaching for the fridge too often. Planning meals in advance, with ingredients that can work across several meals, limiting food waste could be a great help.
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  • Check-in: Days and weeks are starting to roll into each other, so make sure you are touching base to see how your clients are doing and coping. A personal trainer can be so much more than the person who beasts them at the gym. Someone’s lifestyle impacts heavily on progress and if they are struggling, whether that be stress or anything else, you can be an outlet to drive positive constructive behaviours moving forward. Again, know your boundaries and refer where applicable.
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  • Focus on technique: Depending on how well prepared your client is with equipment at home, will dictate much of what you will likely do with them. But like the majority of the population, who didn’t quite see 2020 turning out like this, means there will be limitations. So it is a great time to really focus on getting technique airtight with your clients. Technique, after all, is the backbone to succeeding in their goals.
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  • Keep Moving: All trainers know that increasing general daily activity can go a long way in helping burn calories, but maybe not your clients. Encourage them to get that Vitamin D whilst the sun is out and make the most of the one daily exercise allocated during this time. Set them a challenge to achieve to keep them motivated with incentives, hopefully, this will stop them from moulding into the sofa if you are concerned about isolation. Obviously, be mindful of the current guidelines around COVID-19, that your challenges do not encourage your clients to break these, for example, 10,000 steps daily may not be safe or achievable in some cases.
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With no end in sight as it stands, it’s all about the daily small wins which will keep both you and your clients motivated through these tough times. Stay Healthy and safe!

Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team

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