
Breaking up with Exercise

What is the main reason you are not working out?

They say people are creatures of habit, and in think many instances it is easy to see why we love routine. So how come when it comes to working out, we end up breaking up with exercise?
Certainly we have all been there when life gets a little hectic, and even getting a grip on day to day basics such as cooking and cleaning can seem like a long shot, but when the dust settles the next battle seems to be a mental one. Having spoken with some of the longest serving personal trainers at PT Workspace, here are a few reasons clients have expressed behind their break up with exercise. Does it sound familiar?

  1. I’m too tied and don’t have the energy-  Sleep is incredibly important to your general productivity throughout the day. It’s no secret that many of us in the UK do not get enough sleep and so it’s important you find ways to combat this. Have a look at your diet and see if maybe you are drinking too much caffeine throughout the day or find that more energy rich foods an hour before a workout would be beneficial. The solution is not always cut and dry, but if the honest reason is motivation then you need to be real and talk with a professional like a personal trainers to address this issue.
  2. I have missed to many sessions- There really is no limit on how many times you start again, and it can be somewhat painful to know that you might need to build back up to the progress you once made. But rest assured, the greatest comeback comes from a setback, so the quicker you get going the quicker you will get there.
  3. I’m Busy- Yes it is a busy world we live in and working out is not always the main priority, however your health should at least be a priority of some sorts! It’s a known fact that exercise relieves stress and release those feel good endorphins so it’s good to make time for yourself, the world can wait an hour or two! If not try and see if you can schedule time in to your day and make exercise more of a routine to commit to.
  4. I’m Bored of my workout- Some days come more naturally than others when working out, which is why it’s recommended to switch up your routine and take a day to do something different. That could be a class or swimming or whatever keeps you feeling motivated to move. It may simply be that your exercise routine needs to change to accommodate a more challenging workout, if so speak to a professional PT who can challenge you.
  5. I’m worried everyone is looking at me- A great attraction to gym goers is that it gives you time and space to zone out, or perhaps if you get into it… Zone in. So the likelihood that everyone is looking at you is very slim. Everyone who is in the gym had a first day at some point, but if a mainstream gym is too overwhelming, explore other options, like at home personal training or quieter spaces such as PT Workspace which the general public cannot access.

If you happen to be injured then of course working out is probably not recommended, if so light exercise… But don’t feel too deflated, because when you can get back into the swing of the gym then there is always specialists avaliable to help you through injury rehab to avoid an injury recurring. As mentioned before there is no limit on how many times you can start again at the gym, because the worst workout will alway be better than the one you didn’t do!


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us /ptworkspace/looking-for-a-personal-trainer/.

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