
2 for 1 Personal Training Islington

2 for 1 Personal Training Islington…

Sound to good to be true? Well it might do, but the truth of the matter is that your eyes are not deceiving you and we are actually offering 2 for 1 on personal training. So if you have been putting off the gym because you feel slightly intimidated by the environment or have lacked the motivation to go, then now is the time to put a stop to those niggling thoughts once and for all.


Just 5 minutes from Essex road tube station, PT Workspace is a private personal training studio which means it is off limits to the general public, leaving you to train the majority of the time in peace. Plus now you have your partner or best mate there to travel on this fitness journey with you!

Let’s face it… It always feels better to moan to someone who understand the burn! Specially when you have been put through your paces by a pro, who will give you all the tools you need to maximise progression. So go ahead and invite that one individual who is ready to get on board with making some positive lifestyle changes.

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Join us on your lunch break or anytime from then, up until 5pm! split the cost with your plus one, which works out to be only £25 per person and half the price or a normal personal training session. Winning!

To find out further information about this special offer contact info@localhost.

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