
Personal Training & Studio Rental in Islington

Personal Training & Studio Rental in Islington
Conquering The Winter Months…



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We have had an awesome summer with the weather this year, so it is little wonder why many personal trainers head to the nearest park with their portable training kits and TRX ropes to make the most of the long summer days and glorious weather. As a personal training studio, we get it…This is why we transformed our outside space so you could have the best of both worlds! Not only to keep cool inside but to have the luxury of taking gym equipment outside, which has been great for PTs this year. Regardless we understand why parks are a hit…

With London having been your playground all summer you now have to find a new strategy to keep your business going whilst the weather transitions.


As we creep into winter and the nights start drawing in, you have to start rethinking your options, as your clients do not want to workout in the rain or the dark at 6am in the morning (well we are yet to meet one who does). So before Winter hits us with all its glory, now is the time to start planning a backup plan! Which will see you through these tough months ahead.


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It’s not easy for personal trainers trying to find a space that has the freedom and flexibility to accommodate an independent business. You have to think about…

  • Where will I take my clients?
  • How will I afford monthly rentals? (what if you have a quiet month or have booked a holiday?)
  • Will you have to up your rates to afford higher overheads?
  • Is it necessary to go back to working full-time in-house at a corporate/budget chain gym?
  • How do you keep finding new clients? Or combat those you might lose?

With everything you have to think about, moving forward into winter can be very daunting, so we have some tips which might help you out along the way.

  • Start marketing yourself before winter arrives fully (so ideally around now) to make up for clients who you know might move on or if you need the extra income.
  • Do your research! There are personal training studios that take independent trainers, but they are few and far between. If you are reading this then you have already found one of them…
  • Once you have found a space to train clients, choose a residential area in which you can offer your services locally, this can be your bread and butter. Let potential clients know you are in the area and available! This could be via a flyer for example. Introductory offers can go a long way in helping to generate leads.
  • If the residential area is of a high-income bracket you can afford to up your rates if you need to, again do your research on the local clientele.
  • Do not wait until the last minute to prepare for winter, take action now!


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PT Workspace is here to support independent personal trainers with their businesses, and if you would like help transitioning into winter with finding space to train your clients then feel free to talk to us info@localhost.

You can take a look at our very fair rental packages here.

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