
The Growth of Private Personal Training Studio’s

We are back and ready for business! April the 12th was long-awaited for many in anticipation of gyms finally opening, alongside restaurants, bars and shops in line with Government guidelines.

Private personal training Studio

Never in all the years of operating have we had to close our doors, a feeling echoed by many business owners, but now we hope we are finally over the finish line. Since 2016 it has been our mission to elevate the industry for personal trainers, providing luxury private studio space where personal trainers could grow and develop their own businesses without the worry of extortionate rental rates which are unwavering and impractical for many small businesses.

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Flexible Studio Rental Model

Thankfully since then, the industry has come a long way, and whilst the giants of commercial gyms continue churning over trainers like they are replaceable, at least there are now options available, as private personal training studio’s and small group training facilities have continued to grow in popularity, offering a more flexible and community feel to what can be a lonely business at times. Clients, as well as trainers, enjoy a more private space to train in, especially with the pandemic causing crowded spaces to feel unsafe.

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Before the birth of private personal training studio’s such as PT Workspace, meant finding a gym space that you could call your own was near on impossible unless you were fortunate enough to have your own private studio. Many London parks now charge upwards of £100 per day to train clients, and many gyms want to keep their PT’s and clients in house where possible.

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Studio Hire in London

With the expansion into online training, private studio hire has moved into different realms, where personal trainers now seek space not just for one to one training, but also a professional backdrop to create online content for websites and social media. Now is an amazing time to enter the industry with health at the forefront of peoples minds and the encouragement to live a more active and healthy lifestyle. There are finally options for trainers!


Stay healthy and Safe.

Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team

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