
3 Quick Tips To Help Foam Roll

Foam rollers is one thing PT Workspace has never been short of! The studio manager swears by them to help improve mobility, prevent injury, boost performance and help you recover from exercise. Now if you’re wondering what those round cylinders in the corner of the studio are good for, then maybe we can help answer that question. Foam rolling can help address muscle stiffness and pain by applying pressure to specific points on your body. It can aid recovery as well as assist normal function of muscles which might feel tight or knotted. Whilst it may cause slight discomfort at times, it can also leave your muscles feeling relaxed and ready to perform if used correctly.
  1. Listen to your body…
You will understand better than anyone, which muscles need attention and where the sore spots are. Start slowly, your muscles respond to different types of pressure so adjust accordingly. 2. Be mindful… If you have an injury avoid rolling the affected area, foam rolling should not cause you to feel immense pain. By using your own bodyweight you can roll major muscle groups, and be mindful of pressure, releasing or lifting off the roller if it becomes too much. You have the power to control the amount of force applied, so again, start slowly and ease into it. 3. Take your time Foam rolling is not something you can really rush, to feel the full benefits of rolling give your body time to adapt and your brain time to tell your muscles to relax. Spend a little time working tight spots but remember not to overdo it! Move on, prolonged time can cause tissue damage among other injuries. Regardless of whether you choose to use foam roll before or after a workout, it can be a great way in which to increase motion and performance whilst helping prevent injury. Give it a go next time your in the studio. Thanks for reading PT Workspace Team P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected].    

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