
5 Great Reasons to Workout in the Morning

Mornings… Now they are not for everyone! A battle we all face but not everyone conquers, and as winter sets in, the harder it becomes to plant those two feet on the floor. The cosiness of bed will have you fighting your own thoughts and questioning your own sanity. But there are some great benefits to working out in the morning which can help set you up for the day ahead.
  1. Rise and Shine… Exercise believe it or not wakes you up! It can be as effective as your morning cup of tea or coffee. “Even a short bout of any cardiovascular exercise wakes us up, speeds mental processes, and enhances memory storage and retrieval, regardless of our fitness or fatigue levels.” – Harvard Health Blog
  2. Bite the Bullet… It’s done! And out the way for another day. By exercising in the morning you are less prone to worry about your workout hanging over your head, meetings running over, distractions or anything else life has to throw at you.
  3. Personal space to focus on you… Exercise is great for not only improving just your physical health but helping with your mental health as well. Its time you can invest in you! sweat out your frustration and stress, where work and everything else can take a backseat for an hour before you prepare for the day ahead.
  4. Consistency is key… Working out in the morning will help develop a routine, and with routine come consistency. As much as you want to hit your snooze at 6am, showing up each day and staying committed is the key to achieving those all-important goals.
  5. Feel Good… To put it simply exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make you feel good as well as reduce your perception of pain. Starting the day off right with exercise has many great benefits to not only your mood but mental cognition, leading to better alertness, focus and concentration at work.
Mornings can seem like the enemy sometimes, but when you have learnt the knack of using them to your advantage, then there is a lot to appreciate about them too! Like Sunrises, you will see certainly see your fair share of those. Thanks for reading PT Workspace Team P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected].

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